Rabu, 17 Desember 2014

Secret Recipe Ice Cream Fruit

ice cream

You love ice cream. if yes, you can make it yourself at home. Ice cream is a drink that is very popular all over the world. from children to adults love the ice cream. if you have a hobby cook, why not make it yourself. with your skills, you can make ice cream with a variety of flavors that you can serve and proud in front of your family, not just homemade, flavors and ingredients are free of substances that can be harmful to health, because of the taste and the color comes from the fruit. if you follow the recipe that I give, you can not cook can make ice cream. so ....... following recipe how to make ice cream:

Ice Cream Banana

Materials needed:

  • Bananas (Already in the freeze in the freezer) Banana suit your taste.
  • Full Cream Milk 200 ml
  • Chocolate chips to taste.

How to make:

  • If you are not yet frozen banana, banana should first freeze in the freezer. If it is frozen blander frozen bananas until smooth.
  • Put full cream milk and blander back
  • Put choco chips and mix well.
  • Banana ice cream is ready to serve you.

In addition:

if you want to create a variety of flavors of ice cream, you can replace bananas with other materials such as watermelon (seedless), dragon fruit, apples, strawberries, and other fruits that you like. You can also combine several fruit flavors to make ice cream.


sub: food, secret recipe, drink, cake, culinary, traditional,  modern, aceh, instant food, terima kasih

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